Launch Day
Cryptocurrency is highly speculative and involves substantial risk. The value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate dramatically, leading to significant potential losses. Scammers are always looking for new targets. Always do your own research for any project you encounter.
Frogecoin launched with 0 supply. It was deployed on block 23809095 on the Base chain.
Unlimited Supply vs Set Cap
420 Frogecoins can be mined as rewards at each block generated on the Base chain.
Each mining round
accrues 420 Frogecoins per block until a miner pays the minerFee
to mine all the Frogecoins generated in that round.
The minerFee
is set by using the increaseMinerFeeBy()
and decreaseMinerFeeBy()
The minimum minerFee
for Frogecoin will always be 0.0042 ETH.
There is no supply cap for Frogecoin. There are just two functions to help highly encourage or discourage new $FROGE coins from being created.
The Base chain has consistently produced a maximum of 43,200 blocks in 1 day.
This bounds Frogecoin's supply to (if mining is highly encouraged):
- ~18 million generated per day
- ~544 million generated per month
- ~6.5 billion generated per year
If mining is highly discouraged though, less Frogecoins will be generated.
This design is different than most alt crypto projects where a max supply is set at the beginning.
It would take ~65 years to generate 420 billion Frogecoins, a common supply used by alt projects.
Social Media Accounts
There shouldn't be a centralized social media account for Frogecoin, but it is needed in the beginning to jumpstart Frogecoin.
These social media accounts were the first accounts to talk about Frogecoin:
X - @frogecoinwtf
Instagram - @frogecoinwtf
First Website -