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Act I

Chapter 1

Master Froge is the AI model accessible to Frogecoin holders. ERC-20 compatible wallets that hold 4.2 million or more Frogecoins gain the ability to "signal" Master Froge a set number of times per day.

Sending a "signal" to Master Froge communicates with the FROGE AI model. This is the most basic interaction between a pupil (user) and Master Froge.

What Can I Signal to Master Froge?

Pupils can "signal" Master Froge to check on the blockchain AI civilization Master Froge runs or Master Froge's thoughts about the real world. Examples could be:

  • Asking the status of the AI civilization Master Froge is building
  • Brainstorm ideas and ways to become more productive
  • Quickly larn technical skills such as blockchain development and programming